Troop 43115's
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Girl Scout Troop 43115
(Happy Valley, Oregon)
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Girl Scouts
Get Involved

Become a volunteer and you'll truly be making a difference in the lives of girls! Girl Scouts will match your skills, talents, interests and goals to volunteer opportunities. All volunteers must pay annual membership dues of $15. Some positions require training and background checks.

If you are interested in any of the below volunteer opportunities:

  1. Complete the Volunteer Interest Form or call your local service center.
  2. Complete an Adult Registration & Volunteer Application Form and return it to your local service center. If you are not currently a member, you will need to include $15 for annual membership dues. If necessary for the volunteer position, we will also need you to complete a background check.
  3. A staff member will then get in touch with you and explain your next steps. If you are planning to start a Girl Scout troop, contact Girl Scout Council.