Pack 376's
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Scouting 101
Uniforms 101

Cub Scout Pack 376
(Denver, Colorado)
ScoutLander Contact Our Pack Member Login

Pack Committee Chair

- Liaison between the Pack and the Charter Organization (Salem United Church of Christ)
- Email Pack wide monthly newsletters (twice a month) and as needed (provided by the Pack Cubmaster)
- Email Pack Committee Members monthly meeting agendas (provided by the Pack Secretary)
- Email Pack Committee Members monthly Pack Treasury Reports (provided by the Pack Treasurer)
- Email Pack Committee Members monthly meeting notes (provided by the Pack Secretary)
- Maintain and distribute annual program calendar
- Create and host Virtual Den and Pack Meetings as needed through the Pack/Troop owned Zoom account
- Maintain registration records, training records, and all other documentation for charter renewal
- File charter renewal paperwork
- Promote Pack level award opportunities (Outdoor Activity Award, World Conservation Award, National Summertime Pack Award, etc.)
- Ensure compliance with Journey to Excellence criteria
- Complete position specific training
- Attend monthly District Roundtable
- Attend monthly Pack Committee Meeting
- Assist in leadership recruiting efforts
- Assist with meeting space set up and tear down

Pack Cubmaster

- Host opening ceremonies to all Den Meetings
- Host Pack Meetings
- Host Pack Committee Meetings
- Attend monthly District Roundtable
- Assist in leadership recruitment
- Complete position specific training
- Assist with meeting space set up and tear down
- Assist the Committee Chair in all defined duties

Pack Assistant Cubmaster

- Complete position specific training
- Attend BALOO/ITOLS Training
- Attend monthly Pack Committee Meeting
- Assist in meeting site set up and tear down
- Assist the Cubmaster in all defined duties

Pack Secretary

- Provide meeting agendas for all Pack Committee Meetings
- Provide meeting notes for all Pack Committee Meetings
- Attend monthly Pack Committee Meeting

Pack Treasurer

- Maintain Pack bank account
- Maintain unit account at Council
- Create annual budget
- Provide monthly treasurer reports for Pack Committee Meetings
- Work with Pack Popcorn Kernel to ensure a successful fundraiser
- Collect dues
- Fulfill payment for Pack outings and programming
- Attend monthly Pack Committee Meeting

Pack Community Service Chair

- Coordinate and lead efforts for community service projects
- Improve on existing events:
- Scouting for Food
- Nursing Home Pictures
- Earth Day Cleanup
- Memorial Day Flag Placement
- Ensure compliance with Journey to Excellence criteria
- Attend monthly Pack Committee Meeting

Pack Quartermaster

- Document monthly awards earned by scouts
- Fulfill awards internally first from tackle box
- Order any remaining awards
- Coordinate Award Pickups
- Maintain a working knowledge of Pack materials in closet
- Order supplies when low (Pinewood Derby Kits, Rocket Kits, Class B Shirts, etc.)
- Lead (with the assistance of others) distribution of supplies
- Attend monthly Pack Committee Meeting

Pack New Member Coordinator

- Coordinate and lead recruiting efforts
- National Night Out
- Denver Days
- South by Southeast
- Create recruiting flyers
- Reserve community outreach opportunities
- Lead digital marketing efforts
- Pack website
- Pack Facebook account
- Attend SUMMER/FALL Pack Committee Meetings

Pack Popcorn Kernel

- Work with Pack Treasurer on fundraising goals
- Attend council sponsored training
- Organize popcorn kick-off
- Maintain inventory
- Organize Show and Sells
- Attend SUMMER/FALL Pack Committee Meetings

Den Leader

- Host twice monthly Den Meetings ensuring Den success
- Report completed advancement monthly
- Complete position specific training
- Assist in Pack recruitment
- Assist with meeting space set up and tear down
- Attend monthly Pack Committee Meeting

Assistant Den Leader

- Assist Den Leader in all defined duties
- Assist with meeting space set up and tear down